Sunday, August 3, 2008

Swim Lessons, Sun Tans, etc.

Apparently it has been a while since I have had anything to say. I apologize, but I think you will see from this post, that nothing very exciting has been happening here at the Kern house. Here is the past 3 weeks in review. Jeff is officially eating food now. He is a big fan of applesauce and bananas, but not so much the squash. He is also getting to be a pro at picking up the arrowroot cookie and getting it into his mouth. He will be 6 months tomorrow...I can't believe it.
We have had the kids enrolled in 2 sessions of Swim lessons, one with the city and one with Josh, one of the young men in our ward. I have been very pleased with their progress and new found ability, although I did grossly underestimate Jessica's abilities, and she was stuck in a class with kids 3 ft shorter than her. She did well, and is ready to advance about 3 levels next time. Sorry, Jess!!! All of the hanging out at the pool has been really good for me and my tan...
I would like to call your attention to the contrasting tones of skin. Those of you who know me, know that I am not one to ever get any color to me. Some people tan in the sun, some people burn...I get a rash. So this new color is very exciting to me. I have gone from cadaverish to a slightly darker shade of pasty. Woo Hoo!!!
We have some friends in the neighborhood that are very good about calling us and getting us to the park nearly everynight. It is a good way for us to get our homework and chores done, so we can all go out and have some fun at the park.
We have three kinds of Grapes in our yard. They have been a special project of Ben's this summer. Our Thompson seedless varieties are ripe now and DELISH! Our cabernets are nearly ripe and I am sure will make a lovely juice. ;)
I canned some spaghetti sauce and pears this week, my 12 hours of work netted me a total of 25 jars. I am wondering if they were worth it, but soon we will eat them and I will be reminded of why I kill myself to do things like this.
The best event that took place during my blogging hiatus, is that one of my visiting teaching ladies and her husband were sealed in the Oakland Temple. I am so happy for them. It was wonderful to see them sealed and to remember all of the blessings we can receive because of the beautiful sealing ordinance! Congratulations, Scott and Cori!


Amberly said...

Hooray - you're back! Jeff is getting so big. Love his yummy cheeks. Is that you upside down on the swing wearing an old KeHS tee? And as for the canning, where on earth do you find the time to do that with six kids? I am totally impressed.

Jennie @ Porch Swing Quilts said...

Emily, please don't say your life is boring because that means that all our lives are boring!
Solid foods, swimming lessons, darker shades of pasty, fresh grapes and canning are very interesting.
I've missed you! No more three week hiatuses (or is it hiati?).

Em said...

I miss you!!! I Haven't been feeling well at all and with this heat, I pretty much sit still most days. Looking forward to the fall, hoping for a chance for more exercise in the privacy of the church gym. =)

kir said...

Emily- I am so impressed with your canning skills (and patience) and they all look so pretty, too! What else were you going to do with those 12 hours anyway?! Have a great one!

The Yancey Family said...

I don't know how you do so much, you are so impressive! I barely get out of the house most days. Actually most days, I don't get out of the house. I thought that picture of you hanging upside dowm was me at first glance, I never thought we looked that much alike. Well, if we do, I'm a lucky girl, 'cause you're one hot mama!

SkeenMachine said...

Well, you have been busy. Yeah for Reese, and your tan. Sorry to say, you probably won't ever catch me. I just tan so well! Hah Hah. See you soon

Ranting of a Frustrated Pregnant Woman said...

Looks like you have been busy!! You're looking skinny too!I'm excited to see you this weekend!! When are you going to be here?