Sunday, August 3, 2008

Oh yeah, one more thing...

Funny Reese Quote, coming right up!

Today while getting ready for church, Reese walks down to Ben in the family room and says," Little Miss-Behavior whacked me with her saltwater (sandal) right in the face, and she is sitting right there! (Pointing to Bella)" What a funny little guy.

OK, two more things. Reese and his friend Gretchen got the star student awards for their class for "Excellent Academic Achievement and Good Citizenship." What a stud.


libbie said...

Its about time you posted. I love the picture of you upside down on the swing. That is classic!

Rick said you were gonna be here for fair week? Is this true? If so . . . HIp HIp Hooray!

kthom said...

So glad to hear from you. You were on the same hiatus as ME!! Love the beans is still a doll, upside down swing shot...saWeet. Did you steal that idea from Brett O's wedding annoucement shot?

The Yancey Family said...

Reese is such a silly boy! The stories you tell about him are so entertaining!

The Yancey Family said...

One more thing..Did you realize we talked on the phone for 93 minutes yesterday?! Brett was pretty impressed.

Em said...

Hi emily! we were on our ward camp out, sorry i didn't get back to you sooner!

Maddy did get into State Preschool and starts on the 18th. We still might be moving to Patterson though, so it's all up in the air....

adamandrebeccacoughran said...

Dont you love all of the random things kids say? I had fun hearing all of these funny things when i taught preschool... but this one was my favorite.. "Mrs. Becca can I say prayer for the food?" Only in Utah would you hear something like that at school.