Yesterday was the first day of school! Reese started Kindergarten. He was so cute and VERY ready to go. Anna is in second grade now and also very excited.
Jessica is in sixth grade this year. Isn't she beautiful?
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
First Day of School
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Family Filled Vacation and Fourth
We have spent the past week and a half in the beautiful state of Idaho with members of both sides of our family. We are really grateful for this beautiful part of the world, and glad that we were able to visit so many people in that amount of time.
Days 1 and 2:
-Leave Turlock approximately 5 hours past projected time, thats okay--I needed to sleep as I had stayed up until 3:30 am packing and cleaning. I did come home to a clean house and sparkling toilets, compliments of my new favorite cleaning tool, drywall sanding screen.
-Drive through the smoke in the Sierras and through some of our old "haunts" in Nevada, including the big BM that so eloquently summed up my experience living in the "burbs" of trashy Battle Mountain. I am so glad that part of my life is over. -Spend the day with Josie and her family in Twin Falls. Thanks Josie!
-When the Husbands finish with work, off we go to Island Park. Things were going a little too smoothly so we spiced things up with a blown-out tire on Josie and Blakes trailer. Good Times.
Days 3 thru 8:
-Island Park, Idaho. We had so much fun with all of Ben's sisters and their families, then throw in Aunts, Uncles and Cousins! Ralph and Connie have been planning this Plant Reunion for a long time, we had such a wonderful time. Thanks, Chad and Emily for letting us stay with you in your cabin, you guys rule.
-Game nights-Curses was fun, but playing cards was even better (HA HA HA--LOSERS!!!) We'll have to do that again sometime!
-4 wheeler/ranger rides make for some of the dirtiest kids you have ever seen. We thought we were so clever to bathe the kids outside in the kiddie pools to keep the mess outside. #1 on the list of things not to do again.
-Yellowstone-We loved this! The kids were so amazed at the animals we saw, we were even in close proximity to a Grizzly Bear, but never got to see it. Don't worry, we stayed REALLY close to the Ranger and his gun, but gave up and moved on. It was very exciting though!
-BYU-I Showtime Theater Performance/Sacrament Meeting in West Yellowstone. (Steven Covey was there). Very interesting. I say this with raised eyebrows and pursed lips. It was a nice little sample of the next night's activity--"See How They Run" at the Playmill theater, complete with a lovely little Contemporary Dance to "Starry, Starry Night". It was a cute play, I am sure EVERYONE including the cast wished that we had not brought 10 noisy kids to the performance, #2 on the list of things not to do again.
Days 9, 10 and 11:
-Off the the Boise Area to visit my sister Gretchen and her family. My mom came through on her way back from Utah, so we got to see her, and my sister Libbie and her family, and my Brother Tyson and his wife Tsveti. Love these guys!
-Movies on the lawn and FABULOUS ribs and fish (YUM!), a waterslide bounce house and dunk tank, our kids were sufficiently worn out.
-Fourth of July spent with Ben's aunts and cousins on Willowbrook. We haven't been for several years, we remember why we love it so much! Fun people, great food, spectacular fireworks, and only one smallish fire.
-Floating down the Boise River. I have never done this before! It was so much fun once Jeffrey fell asleep. #3 on the list-no small babies on the river.
Day 12-Pack up the car and head home. This time I brought along a dear friend of mine, Strep Throat. Nothing like coming home to 12 loads of laundry and feeling like crap.
We had such a fun vacation and were really glad to have the time to spend together with Ben and the rest of our families!